
About Social Networking Software

We have the best Social Networking System Software

A social community is a social shape made from a fixed number of social actors, units of dyadic ties, and different social interactions among actors. The social community attitude presents a fixed set of strategies for studying the shape of complete social entities, in addition to loads of theories explaining the styles located in those systems. The observer of those systems makes use of social community evaluation to perceive nearby and worldwide styles, discover influential entities, and observe community dynamics.

Social networks and the evaluation of them are an inherently interdisciplinary instructional discipline that emerged from social psychology, sociology, statistics, and graph theory. Georg Simmel authored early structural theories in sociology, emphasizing the dynamics of triads and the "net of organizational affiliations". [2] Jacob Moreno is credited with growing the primary sociograms within the Nineteen Thirties to observe interpersonal relationships. These tactics had been mathematically formalized in the 1950s, and theories and strategies of social networks have become pervasive within the social and behavioral sciences with the aid of the 1980s. Social community evaluation is now one of the most important paradigms in modern-day sociology and is likewise employed in some of the different social and formal sciences. Together with different complicated networks, bureaucracy is part of the nascent discipline of community science.

How It Works

Online social networking systems provide a wealth of data and proof far beyond what could have been imagined years ago. Public and authority databases containing data on persons, including credit score histories and crook histories, have usually been applicable to investigations. But the mass public attraction to social networking websites provides a completely new dimension to acquiring non-public data.

The best social networking websites permit the patron to create their own data through the use of a PC or cell tool to add photos, submit remarks, and interact with others from any place that has access to the Internet. Each of those connections creates the breadcrumb path of geolocation primarily based on IP deals with connections, geotagged photos, and self-admitted remarks that country bodily locations.

Key Features

High Performance

High performance is a must-have on any social networking website. We provide the high-performance software.

New Features

With our new feature, users can browse posts, photos, and videos. This is an extraordinary feature for the social networking application.

RTL Support

This is a very important feature to run the social networking worldwide, this also supports right to left languages

Social Login

With Our Social networking software, you can login via most famous social media websites like (Facebook – Twitter – Google+ – LinkedIn – Vk – Instagram).

Easy & Nice Looking URL

You can see the Easy & Nice Looking URLs, this makes the software user friendly. This application front is also nice looking which attracts the users.

User Last Seen

This is a great advantage of the application, you can see the currently online users and you can see the visitors of the application. This is also a good feature.

Profile visit Notification

The members of the application receive notification from users who visited your profile. This makes the members attentive about their visibility.

Friends & Follow System

This application provides a very strong Friends & Follow System, this is very good and user friendly utility.

Home/News Feed

Displays posts, photos, files, videos, and maps posted by friends/followed people. Also includes story filters, follow/friend suggestions, and user activities list.

User Timeline

The application displays user’s profile with Posts, Photos, Videos posted and shared by user. Which is the most exciting feature of the application


User can create unlimited groups and invite/add his friends in his joined groups. With the help of the groups the user can promote their objects.


User can create unlimited groups and invite/add his friends to his joined groups. With the help of the groups the user can promote their objects.


The games are the most exciting feature of social networking. So we provide the facility to the user to play unlimited flash games of very good quality.

Social Videos Support

User can easily share videos from the biggest videos sharing websites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Vine, Vimeo, Facebook, videos & Soundcloud music.

Photo Album

The user can create unlimited photo albums with nice looking style. Which is the most exciting feature of the application to show your outlooks to your friends.

Cover Picture

The user can change or remove the Cover Picture, the feature Dynamic for the user. The user can enjoy the feature Dynamic Cover for users to change Cover of the profile.

Profile Picture

The user can change or remove the Profile Picture, the feature Dynamic for the user. The user can enjoy the feature Dynamic Profile for users to change Profile picture of the profile.

User Privacy

The user can Control who can message you, post on your timeline, follow you, confirm follow requests or not, last seen, etc. Now the user can feel the privacy here.

User Profile Info

Now User can Display user’s profile information (birthday, website, gender, social media, about, last seen, etc.) and can be visible to the other users


This is a very good feature of the application, the user receives the notification from users (likes, dislikes, comments, wonders, shares ... etc.).


Displays trending and related topics shared by users here. The users can see the #Hashtags. This is very good feature. You can as a great feature of the social.


The user can see and use the @Mentions, this use @username to tag people in a status or messages. The users like this feature.

Post Publisher

The user can use the Post Publisher feature for Status, Sound cloud, YouTube, Vine, Google Maps, Videos, Files, Photos and emoticons.

Delete & Edit Posts

The user can post, delete and edit his own posts and not of others, this is a very feature for the social media members to hide their mistakes, can do it.

Save Posts

The user can save posts to view them later. If the users can use the facility when the user is busy with other works. After getting free they can see it.

User Events

The user can create events and share the events, the event is very good feature of the social, the user can share their events like feelings/travailing/watching/playing/listening

Recent Search

What ever the user was looking for, all will be saved into recent searches with the ability to clear them. This is very good feature for the social networking.

Post Privacy

Privacy is the most important feature of a social network, the user can choose the post privacy (Only me, Everyone.. etc.). This is given in the setting and enabled while posting.


The user can Like or unlike a post. The user can View list of people who like this and the user can Dislike a post. View list of people who dislike this.

Comments & Replies

The user can give comment on a post, Reply to a comment, View all post comments. Which is the most exciting feature of the application to show your outlooks to your friends.


Search is the most important feature of any website, Search for people, #Hashtags with our filtered search system. This is very good feature for the social networking.


Reports are the most important feature of any website, Report posts to be checked by administrators. This is very good feature for the social networking.

Live Chat

The real-time live chat system is the most exciting feature of social networking, see the online or offline status. Which is the most exciting feature of the application.

User Activities

The user can see the other users activities, likes, shares, comments, wonders etc. Which is the most exciting feature of the application to know the status their friends.

Multi Languages

We provide Multi Language support, we support 4 Languages (Arabic, English, Russian, Turkish) with the ability to add unlimited languages. This is very good feature.

Other Features

Verified Profiles/Pages. Fully responsive for all devices, browsers. Password recovery by email. Online user counter on admin & home page. Comment auto detector, Emoticons.

Admin Dashboard

The admin has a very good dashboard with full statics with charts analyzing the site information. With a help of which the admin can have monitoring on the activities.

General Settings

The General Settings of the application are editable, the admin can update general settings of the website. Which is the most exciting feature of the application for admin

Site settings and theme

The admin can update site settings like name, title, keywords.. etc. and the dynamic theme system is available can change the change the whole layout of the website.


Advertisements are the good source of income, the blocks have been provided to display ads on your websites. So this is also a good feature being a good source of income.

Manage Reports

The admin can Manage Reports with the features like view reported posts, mark them as safe or delete. So this is also a good feature for the admin analyse the statistics of the website.

Manage Users

The admin can Manage Users and perform the activities like View, edit, verify, reset password, delete users. Which is the best feature of the application for security.

Manage Posts and Games

The admin can View and delete posts. Admin can Add and edit games on easy way from the admin panel. This is very good feature for the admin where the admin is able to do so.

Mailing List

With our mailing list system the can send their message to all registered users in just one click! , this is very good feature for the admin to interact with all the users in one click.


The admin can Write, edit, delete, active, and inactive your announcements. This is the most exciting feature of the application Which makes the admin to manage announcements.

Google analytics

Google analytics are very necessary to manage the application for its usability, and track the actions of the users. The admin can add, edit their Google analytics code.

Ban user

The admin can see track the user activity and very necessary to ban the user if he/she is doing and unauthentic this in the application so admin can ban user IP on very easy way.


ReCaptcha is a very good feature, the authenticates a person, the admin can add, edit your reCaptcha key. These are the explaied features and there are many other features given.

View Demo

You can see the demo online -
Admin UserName - admin
Password - ****[to get this password; please call on +91-9971411559] Contact Veloxn at WhatsApp
Skype - sanjay.sirohee

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Social Networking Software

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Social Networking Software

Features and Screen Show

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Social Networking Software

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Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

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Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

User Dashboard

Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

User Chat Option

Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

User Profile

Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

Profile upgrade option

Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

Admin Dashboard

Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

Admin Settings

Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software


Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software


Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

Site Settings

Veloxn Social Networking Software

Social Networking Software

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Social Networking Software

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Social Networking Software

General Settings

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