An online exam gadget is a computer-primarily based totally check gadget that may be used to conduct computer-primarily based totally exams online. This exam gadget makes use of fewer sources and decreases the need for query papers and solution scripts, examination room scheduling, arranging invigilators, coordinating with examiners, and more.
The best online learning and online examinations have
additionally modified the way tests were once held in advance. The pen-and-paper-primarily-based
tests at the moment are replaced with online assessments, which include exact time-sure
parameters. The in-progress descriptive query paper with brief and essay solution questions is
now modified with a couple of desire questions, assertions, and reasoning questions acting on
our displays that want to speak back in a given time frame, and the effects are made to be felt
Our education system and examination system want a major overhaul. Online learning is slowly and
definitely changing traditional learning methods. Additionally, students were rapid enough to
comprehend the training, which, without a doubt, became quicker. In any case, lengthy training
has grown to be shorter due to the factor of concept-primarily-based total rationalization, as
online instructions include a time limit.
Automated planning and scheduling, sometimes denoted as simply AI planning, is a branch of artificial intelligence .
Assessment pattern creation is more of a technical term used for setting up subject-wise question papers.
This is very important feature to run the social networking worldwide, this also supports right to left languages
The software must be capable enough to help teachers set up multiple question patterns for any subject of their choice..
Rubrics are effective and efficient tools for assessing student performance. Rubrics ensure knowledge is imparted .
Online exam software must feature an automated assessment tool, making it easy for users to get the generated questions approved and corrected in a simultaneous manner.
Say yes to the one which supports multiple languages, making it easy for you and your students to get through the process of online.
This process helps educators customize test-taking methods that are suitable for individual students.
The software should be able to provide instant notification of exams, assessments, classes, timing, and projects to students and parents,
Active integrations with an LMS allow users to incorporate learning content, like notes.
Online exam software should be able to provide proper access and set up verified roles,
Online exam software should be able to provide transcripts via automated calculations.
It should have the ability to produce different kinds of real-time reports for institutions.
While going through papers submitted by individual students, teachers might be biased at times.
The user can create unlimited photo albums with nice looking style. Which is the most exciting feature of the application to show your outlooks to your friends.
The user can change or remove the Cover Picture, the feature Dynamic for the user. The user can enjoy the feature Dynamic Cover for users to change Cover of the profile.
The user can change or remove the Profile Picture, the feature Dynamic for the user. The user can enjoy the feature Dynamic Profile for users to change Profile picture of the profile.
The user can Control who can message you, post on your timeline, follow you, confirm follow requests or not, last seen, etc. Now the user can feel the privacy here.
Now User can Display user’s profile information (birthday, website, gender, social media, about, last seen, etc) and can be visible to the other users
This is a very good feature of the application, the user receives the notification from users (likes, dislikes, comments, wonders, shares ... etc).
Displays trending and related topics shared by users here. The users can see the #Hashtags. This is very good feature. You can as a greate feature of the social.
The user can see and use the @Mentions, this use @username to tag people in a status or messages. The users like this feature..
The user can use the Post Publisher feature for Status, Sound cloud, YouTube, Vine, Google Maps, Videos, Files, Photos and emoticons..
The user can post, delete and edit his own posts and not of others, this is very feature for the social media members.
The user can save posts to view them later. If the users can use the facility when the user are busy in other works. After getting free they can see it.
The user can create events and share the events, the event is very good feature of the social, the user can share their events like feelings/travailing/watching/playing/listening
What ever the user was looking for, all will be saved into recent searches with the ability to clear them. This is very good feature for the social networking.
Privacy is the most important feature of a social network, the user can choose the post privacy (Only me, Everyone.. etc). This is given in the setting and enabled while posting.
The user can Like or unlike a post. The user can View list of people who like this and the user can Dislike a post. View list of people who dislike this.
The user can give comment on a post, Reply to a comment, View all post comments. Which is the most exciting feature of the application to show your outlooks to your friends.
Search is the most important feature of any website, Search for people, #Hashtags with our filtered search system. This is very good feature for the social networking.
Reports is the most important feature of any website, Report posts to be checked by administrators. This is very good feature for the social networking.
Real-time live chat system is the most exciting feature of social networking, see the online or offline status. Which is the most exciting feature of the application.
The user can see the other users activities likes, shares,comments, wonders etc. Which is the most exciting feature of the application to know the status their friends.
We provide Multi Languages support, we support 4 Languages (Arabic, English, Russian, Turkish) with the ability to add unlimited languages. This is very good feature.
Verified Profiles/Pages. Fully responsive for all devices, browsers. Password recovery by email. Online user counter on admin & home page. Comment auto detector, Emoticons.
The admin has very good dashboard with full statics with charts analyzing the site information. With a help of which the admin can have monitoring on the activities.
The General Settings of the application are editable, the admin can update general settings of website. Which is the most exciting feature of the application for admin
The admin can update site settings like name,title,keywords.. etc. and the dynamic theme system is available can change the change the whole layout of the website.
Advertisements are the good source of income, the blocks have been provided to display ads on your websites. So this is also a good feature being a good source of income.
The admin can Manage Reports with the features like view reported posts, mark them as safe or delete. So this is also a good feature for the admin analyse the statistics of the website.
The admin can Manage Users and perform the activities like View, edit, verify, reset password, delete users. Which is the good feature of the application for security.
The admin can View and delete posts. Admin can Add and edit games on easy way from the admin panel. This is very good feature for the admin where admin is able to do so.
With our mailing list system the can send their message to all registered users in just one click!, this is very good feature for the admin to interect with all the users in one click.
The admin can Write, edit, delete, active, and inactive your announcements. This is the most exciting feature of the application Which makes the admin to manage announcements.
Google analytics are very necessary to manage the application for its usability, and track the actions of the users. The admin can add, edit their Google analytics code.
The admin can see track the user activity and very necessary to ben the user if he/she is doing and unauthentic this in the application so admin can ben user ip on very easy way.
reCaptcha is a very good feature the authenticate a person, the admin can add, edit your reCaptcha key. These are the explaied features and there are many other features given.
You can see the demo online -
Name - Online Exam Management Software
Login URL -
Username - osadmin
Password - ****
Teacher/Examiner - ankitasingh1234, veloxnsales
Passwords - ****, ****
Student - Rohansingh12345, sumansingh12345
Password - ****, ****[to get this password; please call on +91-9971411559]
Skype - sanjay.sirohee
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